April 22, 2022

2 mins read

How to contribute

How to contribute

Your voice and ideas matter. Help us build a true European and multidisciplinary debate on the impacts of technologies!

Our motto

At DecodeTech we believe that the more we talk about digital technologies and demystify their use, the more it will benefit people and reflect the diversity of our world. We are committed to the idea that everyone should have the opportunity to talk about tech and express its stories, hopes, and concerns about digitalisation.

What we are looking for

The majority of the contributions we publish are articles, but interviews and other types of content are also appreciated. We welcome pieces that popularise complex topics, start their own conversations through the force of their stakes/ideas, or break down conventional wisdom. We are particularly interested in voices and analyses from the European Union and from groups historically underrepresented in technology and technology writing.

In practice

Your contribution should be written in English, contain references (the use of hyperlinks is recommended instead of footnotes), and run anywhere from 1,000 to 1,500 words. It can be forward-looking or historical. It can take the form of a personal opinion, a summary of an academic work, or a deep dive into a specific kind of technology or societal issue (check out our different categories to have a complete overview of the kind of pieces we publish).

What to expect from us

When we get a draft of your contribution, we read it and suggest possible improvements. At this stage, our ambition is really to work together with you to craft something that has the right tone, length, and quality for the platform. We then work on the layout, find a picture that is relevant to your topic, and finalise the details.

Once we all agree on the content and format, we schedule a release date and publish it!

How to submit

Send us an email at decodetech@etik.com with your ideas and/or your draft contribution attached. Include the phrase “Contribution DecodeTech” in the subject line of your email message, along with a sentence that sums up your thesis or idea. Also, tell us a little about yourself.

We promise to follow up on all ideas and contributions sent to the extent possible. We are humans, so in case you don’t hear back from us in a week, feel free to email us again.




Picture credits:

Aaron Burden